I remember
watching my good ol’ friend, Mr. Bash, stare at his telephone for an
approximately good ten minutes. If you ask me, that’s a pretty long time,
considering the fact that the object of his attention was a black boring electronic
device and that he, Bash, stared with an eerie fixation in the presence of an
intrigued me, seated alongside with
him in a quiet room – except for the
sounds of the whirling fan and the ticking clock.
We were in
his sitting room, and from across where I sat I had a good view to tell, with
good authority, that the communicating machine was not the slightest bit interesting,
like ringing off the hook – in fact, it was obviously the blandest piece of
equipment in the room. But, eventually, it all made sense when Bash looked up
at me and asked, quite directly, “How come I never hear from God?” BAM!
Now, I
can’t really say if the dude actually expected God to ring him up at that
particular time via his telephone. And I don’t know if God would have
communicated in such a way, but seeing all things are possible with God, who
knows, He could have done it, with a sense of humour. However, there’s one thing
I know, I can empathize and relate with Bash’s desperation over not being able
to hear from God.
I know it
does suck to have just a one–way connection to the throne of grace and not have
an actual exchange. You seemingly find yourself praying and not getting a reply.
It sucks
even more to hear people close to you say that the Father speaks expressly to
them – giving them guidance, encouragements, and even filling their hearts with
the knowledge of His will, when you on the other hand hear nothing but zilch.